'Improving Each Issue . . .' 'Gaining Professional Status.....' Maturing Swiftly...


These are some of the accolades we have noted in recent letters from readers, which statement of praise naturally make us proud,

But getting out the Review, and earnestly endeavoring to make it better all the time, is no easy task. It takes the work of many, and a lot more work by the few in the publications department.

Every subscriber, every reader,: however, has a hand in the project. Your subscription dollars, newsstand purchases, and your contributions have made the project possible. We are counting on these purchases and gifts to continue, because we shall falter without them.

Standard approaches and channels don't apply to a product such as the Review--that's obvious. It can't be sold like a fraternal, religious or purely professional journal. Many problem's with which the latter have no concern beset the Review at every turn, because of the emotional, sensitive and explosive motion character of our subject.

That's why our appeal for funds never ends. Our need never diminishes. The. magazine is a project of a non-profit educational and research organization. It pays no salaries. Most of its labor, some of its $upplies, and all of its editorial material come without cost to the Society-they must, otherwise we couldn't put it out. But certain costs for materials and commercial services must be met. So keep the contributions comingthe need for funds will always be great!

Mattachine REVIEW


693 Mission Street

San Francisco 5, Calif.